
“Flamingos and water drops” by Martine Benezech
Let it be clear. Our ambition is not to offer a commercial site any more, however beautiful it may be. We feel invested with a mission. To give nature and its animals all that they offer us. An inexhaustible and free teaching, if one knows how to look at them and love them. Sharing knowledge enriches. It is the only economy that keeps up with the long term. And, as Idriss Aberkane, the specialist in biomimicry, says: “let’s stop burning the books of this invaluable library to warm us, read them … ».
To pay tribute to the beauty of animals participates in this struggle of the future, to this rebirth. Under water, on land and in the air. Overcome pollution, stop deforestation, reserve territories so that animal populations retain their autonomy, their joy of life and their dignity. The least living species that disappears is an offense to life. A danger to humanity. And, if the bees are suspended, we too …
A vast program, but we believe in, and that’s why on every sale, we pledge to donate a percentage to help financially all organizations to save animals, friends and in connection with Noah-Noah. The humanitarians are busy saving men, we have chosen to be “animalitarians”.